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Richtig palmieren???

BeitragVerfasst: 28.02.2011 15:29
von charlie
jetzt wieder zu der Arbeit. Ich habe eine Frage zum Palmieren:
Macht dass mann mit offene oder mit geschlossene Augen??


BeitragVerfasst: 03.03.2011 14:59
von Tine
Hallo Charlie,

die Augen sollten hinter den Handflächen offen sein. Allerdings ist es ganz wichtig, dass die Hände die Augen komplett abdunkeln, so dass kein Lichtstrahl einfällt. Dazu muss man erstmal ein bisschen rumprobieren und erfahrung sammeln, dann klappt es aber.

Viele Grüße


BeitragVerfasst: 03.03.2011 15:31
von sven
Aus Bates ... ter-12.php

"Most patients are benefited merely by closing the eyes; and by alternately resting them for a few minutes or longer in this way and then opening them and looking at the Snellen test card for a second or less, flashes of improved vision are, as a rule, very quickly obtained. Some temporarily obtain almost normal vision by this means; and in rare cases a complete cure has been effected, sometimes in less than an hour.

But since some light comes through the closed eyelids, a still greater degree of relaxation can be obtained, in all but a few exceptional cases, by excluding it. This is done by covering the closed eyes with the palms of the hands (the fingers being crossed upon the forehead) in such a way as to avoid pressure on the eyeballs. So efficacious is this practice, which I have called "palming," as a means of relieving strain, that we all instinctively resort to it at times, and from it most patients are able to get a considerable degree of relaxation."