Liam’s Success Story: -5.25 to 20/20

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Liam’s Success Story: -5.25 to 20/20

Beitragvon lukita » 12.09.2014 23:52

Liam hat geschrieben:I joined the web program in July this year [2013] after already getting some small improvements on my own.

I had some good habits in placed mainly because of all the free content on this site + sites like and I wanted to see if the web program could accelerate my progress, plus fill in gaps in my knowledge.

I had learned about and tried the Bates method two years ago but that gave me zero improvements. It had me walking around with no glasses when I needed them. Also when your optician tells you flatout that it is impossible to improve your eyesight it’s hard to believe otherwise. If I wasn’t so stubborn I would have given up a while ago.

Anyway, in July 2012 I was wearing glasses with this prescription:

Left: -5.25, 0.50 CYL
Right: -5.00

26th January 2013 I had a free eye test at the opticians:

Left: -4.50
RIght: -4.75

15th June 2013 I did a snellen test on my own (this is before I started the web program):

With -2.50 glasses I could read the 13ft line from 10 ft away, indoors. (Sorry about the awkwardness of this result, knowing what I know now I could have been more thorough)

Today [September 7, 2013] I can see the 20/40 line consistently outdoors with no glasses, and if I let it clear I can usually read the 20/20 line too.

My cm readings are hard to pinpoint. They vary from 65cm to 90cm. On good days when I am extra relaxed I can push it over 100cm. I do what Alex recommends in #61.

The only glasses I wear now are a +2 for close-up work.

If I had found out about this site and joined the web program right from the beginning I think my improvements would have been even quicker. But I am really grateful for even coming across this site and the vision improvement community. I think it’s a real shame that most people who wear glasses don’t know it’s possible to improve their eyesight.


Read more: ... ess-story/

Weitere Erfolgsgeschichten:
1986 Brille R sph -1.50 cyl -0.00, L sph -1.50 cyl -0.00
2008 Brille R sph -4.75 cyl -1.00, L sph -5.00 cyl -0.00
2013-04 Beginn Sehtraining
2013-09 Augenblicke mit Visus > 0.7 ohne Brille

Mein Ziel: Ein Leben ganz ohne Brille
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Registriert: 05.05.2013 23:38
Wohnort: Rheinland

Liam’s Success Story: -5.25 to 20/20

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